こちらの商品は サックスアンダーウエアー SAXX UNDERWEAR メンズ 男性用 ファッション 下着 Volt Boxer Brief - Take A Hike/Blue です。
━ カタログ(英語)より抜粋 ━
Put some energy into your workout layers with the shockingly substantive thermoregulating performance of the SAXX(TM) Underwear Co. Volt Boxer Brief. Workout underwear never looked so good.
Boxer briefs in a slim, modern fit.
Three-D Fit(TM) uses nine panels to create 3D shaping around glutes, thighs, quads, and hamstrings.
Highly breathable pin-dot mesh fabric provides moisture-wicking performance to move sweat away from the skin.
Flat Out Seams(TM) offer smooth, against-the-skin contact.
Branded elastic waistband.
BallPark(TM) Pouch is a 3D hammock-shaped pouch designed for contact-free support.
Seam-free seat.
88% polyester, 12% elastane.
Machine wash, tumble dry.
If you're not fully satisfied with your purchase, you are welcome to return any unworn and unwashed items with tags intact and original packaging included.
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