生産者 | オーパス ワン Opus One |
ヴィンテージ | 2002 |
容量 | 750ml |
解説 | パーカーポイント: 94点 予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2039 I tend to think that recent vintages of Opus One are even greater than vintages made during this era, but the 2002 is certainly one of the top wines Opus has produced during the early part of this century. It boasts a dense plum/purple hue along with a striking bouquet of graphite, toasty oak, creme de cassis and acacia flowers. Full-bodied, opulent and young, it offers accessibility as well as silky tannins. A thoroughly complete wine that is pure and rich, it tastes like a hypothetical blend of a great Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon married to a Bordeaux Pauillac. Bravo! It will benefit from 2-3 more years of cellaring and should keep for 20-25 thereafter. (201, The Wine Advocate 30th Jun 2012) |
唯一無二のボルドー・ブレンド オーパス ワン Opus One |
日本で最も知名度の高い赤ワインの1つ |
オーパス ワン一覧へ
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オーパス ワン 2002 ラベル不良 オーパスワン オーパス・ワン Opus One アメリカ カリフォルニア 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
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