Ferrari Laferrari FXX K EVO finali mondiali 2017 with display case
The ultimate LaFerrari!When a high-profile carmaker such as Ferrari launches a great supercar like the LaFerrari, it’s difficult to imagine a way to significantly improve the design. But the team from Maranello has already done it twice. First, Ferrari launched the FXX-K, a track-only LaFerrari with enhanced aerodynamics. This happened back in 2015. Two years have passed, and the Prancing Horse found a way to make the FXX-K even more brutal. It’s called the FXX-K Evo, and it has more downforce than any Ferrari to date!Launched at the 2017 Finali Mondiale of the Ferrari Challenge, the FXX-K Evo takes the familiar FXX-K to a new level in the same way that the Enzo-based FXX Evoluzione was a heavily upgraded FXX. The model car is very accurate and replicates in detail the FXXK-EVO.The whole rear part of the car is made of plastic material, and molded from a steel mold.
Limited 425 pieces
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