This production of "The Rake's Progress" marks Barbara Hannigan's debut as an opera conductor and is a "labor of love" for her. Hannigan, who has sung the role of Anne Truelove many times, hand-picked the cast of soloists from over 350 applications from 39 countries, and subsequent auditions throughout Europe, as part of her mentoring initiative "Equilibrium." In this unique and refined semi-staged production, director Linus Fellbom invites the audience to partake on a journey through space and time, from a distant future to the present, and back to 18th century London. The documentary "Taking Risks" follows all aspects of the production, starting with the very first auditions, the casting and rehearsal process, and culminating in the premiere in Gothenburg in December 2018.こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。
ジャンル:Classical Artists
コメント:This production of "The Rake's Progress" marks Barbara Hannigan's debut as an opera conductor and is a "labor of love" for her. Hannigan, who has sung the role of Anne Truelove many times, hand-picked the cast of soloists from over 350 applications from 39 countries, and subsequent auditions throughout Europe, as part of her mentoring initiative "Equilibrium." In this unique and refined semi-staged production, director Linus Fellbom invites the audience to partake on a journey through space and time, from a distant future to the present, and back to 18th century London. The documentary "Taking Risks" follows all aspects of the production, starting with the very first auditions, the casting and rehearsal process, and culminating in the premiere in Gothenburg in December 2018.?JAPANNEXT 37.5インチ曲面 IPSパネル UWQHD+(3840 x 1600)解像度 ウルトラワイドモニター JN-IPSC375UWQHDPR-H-C65W 75Hz対応 USB-C給電(最大65W) HDMI DP KVM機能 sRGB100% DCI-P3 94% 昇降式スタンド ワイドモニター ジャパンネクスト|JAPANNEXTオンラインストア, 倉茂電工 ハイプレン VCTF23NXX 100M 1本 (VCTF23NXX 40X0.75SQ-100)|福祉用具のバリューケア, アライドテレシス 3881RZ7 AT-SPZX120/I-Z7 SFP(mini-GBIC)モジュール|ISダイレクト店, 【中古】 (ニコン) Nikon D850 ボデイ【中古カメラ デジタル一眼】 ランク:B|カメラのナニワ, 【今ならシートマスクおまけ付き】【2500円OFFクーポン対象】美ルル New リバース KRD1033N New Rebirth belulu ビューティフルエンジェル 美顔器 EMS LED光エステ(KAKU)【送料無料】【SIB】【ASU】|ネイルコレクション;/div>
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