This box set continues the chronological re-releasing of Neil Young’s official releases, remastered where analog tapes exist. Volume 4, released as a 4 LP box and 4 CD box, includes Hawks & Doves from 1980 (ORS 13), Re*Ac*Tor (with Crazy Horse) from 1981 (ORS 14), This Notes for You from 1988 (ORS 20), and Eldorado from 1989 (ORS 21). These albums bookend the period 1982-1987 when Neil recorded for Geffen Records, hence the non-sequential ORS numbers. This is the first official vinyl release of Eldorado, a 5 track mini-album (previously only released on CD in Australia and Japan) and it includes two much sought-after tracks, “Cocaine Eyes” and “Heavy Love”. The vinyl of Hawks & Doves, Re*Ac*Tor and This Notes for You have all been remastered from the original analog tapes by Chris Bellman at Bernie Grundman Mastering. Eldorado vinyl is mastered using the 44/16 digital master.2022/4/29 発売
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品質満点!【輸入盤CD】Neil Young / Official Release Series Discs 13, 14, 20 & 21【K2022/4/29発売】(ニール・ヤング)|あめりかん・ぱい
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【輸入盤CD】Neil Young / Official Release Series Discs 13, 14, 20 & 21【K2022/4/29発売】(ニール・ヤング)|あめりかん・ぱい
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