【取寄】Arena Di Verona Collection 1 ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】|WORLD DISC PLACE
【取寄】Arena Di Verona Collection 1 ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】|WORLD DISC PLACEその他
【取寄】Arena Di Verona Collection 1 ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】|WORLD DISC PLACE
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【取寄】Arena Di Verona Collection 1 ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】|WORLD DISC PLACE
- 【中古】(未使用品)乃木坂どこへ 第1巻[DVD-BOX]|COCOHOUSE 【送料無料】アイカツフレンズ!Blu-ray BOX 6/アニメーション[Blu-ray]【返品種別A】|Joshin web CD/DVD店
【取寄】Arena Di Verona Collection 1 ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】|WORLD DISC PLACE
【取寄】Arena Di Verona Collection 1 ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】◆タイトル: Arena Di Verona Collection 1
◆現地発売日: 2019/07/26
◆レーベル: Bel Air Classiques
- 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて
- ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
For their 88th year the prestigious Arena di Verona Festival paid tribute to internationally acclaimed Italian stage director Franco Zeffirelli. Zeffirelli delivers an opulent staging of the fairy-tale story of the Chinese Princess Turandot, who will only marry a prince capable of solving her riddles. Russian soprano Maria Guleghina gives a brilliant rendition of Turandot. Salvatore Licitra's trump card is his imposingly radiant tenor voice of which he remains in sovereign control even in the role's much-feared highest register. The soprano Tamar Iveri is a beautiful and sensitive Li?. Romeo et Juliette had not been performed at the Arena since 1977. The new production was entrusted to Italian director Francesco Micheli, who opted for a personal, highly original version: 'An arena within the Arena, like a blood-red Elizabethan theatre. A senescent world that will not let it's own children live.' Juliette is sung by Georgian soprano Nino Machaidze, returning to one of her early roles at the Salzburg Festival. Stefano Secco, often heard at the Opera Bastille in Paris and other international venues, is Romeo. Artur Rucinski interprets Mercutio, Romeo's friend and the rival of Jean-Francois Borras's Tybalt. The page Stephano is sung by soprano Ketevan Kemoklidze. Aida To celebrate the bicentennial of Giuseppe Verdi's birth, La Fura dels Baus opens the 'Centenario Festival 2013' of the Arena di Verona. Carlus Padrissa and Alex Olle sign a brilliant new version of Aida. Aida is the most popular opera at the Verona Festival, the only one performed every year, 17000 spectators enjoy the show every evening. This new production is designed by La Fura dels Baus. They transform the arena into a huge desert, creating mechanical animals and manufacture a solar power plant. They use their experience in leading large-scale shows and opera to create the Aida of the XXIst century splendidly conducted by a young talented conductor : Omer Meir Wellber.
【中古】(未使用・未開封品)青い鳥の輪舞(ロンド) DVD-SET4|COCOHOUSE 【中古】With Honors[カセット]|お取り寄せ本舗 KOBACO