How to order in shopping cart使いやすいスタンダードタイプチェックライター。入力も発行も指1本で、スピーディな証書作成ができます。¥や※マークは入力不要で、常に正しい位置に自動印字されます。
The standard type checkwriter which it is easy to use. Both the input and the publication can do speedy paper making with one finger. \ ※The mark is input-free and is always printed automatically at the right position.
●Check writer
●Electronic check writer
●Electronic expression
●By one character prints it
●Cut sheet use
●The number of the printing figures: Ten columns
●External form dimensions: Width 180* depths 245* high 91mm
●Mass: 1.7 kg
●Printing speed (at the time of full figure printing): Approximately 5.6 seconds
●Can print it; depth: 80mm
●A power supply: AC100V
●Power consumption: 23W
●Accessories: Instruction manual, warranty, exclusive ink roll R-50 (body installation finished)
●A term of a guarantee: One year ※The exchange of the ink roll, please use R-50.
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